You need financial analysis to be able to answer the questions you asked yourself, but especially those you didn’t even think about.

You need: dedicated financial advice, tax advice, financial accounting expertise, valuations of movable and immovable property, personal training, representation, insurance.

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Ai nevoie de analiză financiară pentru a putea răspunde întrebărilor pe care ți le-ai pus dar mai ales celor la care nici nu te-ai gândit.

Ai nevoie de: consultanță financiară dedicată, consultanță fiscală, expertiză financiar contabilă, evaluări bunuri mobile și imobile, instruire personal, reprezentare, asigurări.

Sună ca să afli mai mult

Dedicated financial consulting

Specialized consultancy and solutions in accordance with the latest accounting regulations;

Concrete evaluations and proposals in order to optimize financial results;

Financial-accounting consultancy;

Tax advice;

Salary consultancy;

Consulting on mergers.

ONRC document preparation consultancy

Tax advice

The legislative instability, the process of harmonization of the Romanian fiscal legislation to the European norms, the overwhelming number of fiscal rules and obligations and, last but not least, the oppressive bureaucracy, made the presence of a fiscal consultant more than necessary.

Our team of tax consultants has extensive and long experience in the field of tax law enforcement.

Our services are offered to all categories of tax subjects: Romanian and foreign legal entities, resident or non-resident individuals, authorized individuals, representatives, NGOs, permanent establishments, associations between persons, etc.

The services offered by our tax consulting department include:

Consultancy in matters of taxes and fees;

Consulting on foreign exchange regulations, import-export operations, customs code, avoidance of double taxation, international transactions;

Tax alerts depending on the company profile;

Fiscal reports and reviews meant to identify and clarify the fiscal obligations of companies;

Simulation of a fiscal control to verify the calculation and payment of taxes and duties;

Identifying fiscal strategies and alternative legal solutions depending on the specifics of each company;

Assistance in tax disputes with the authorities;

Financial accounting expertise

  • preparation of documentation for contracting loans from banks:
  • budget revenues and expenditures, cash flow,
    calculation of the main economic-financial indicators, etc.
  • preparation of business plan;
  • preparation of requests for
  • financing for accessing non-reimbursable funds.

Call an expert

Staff / salary

  • Individual employment contract (CIM);
  • Information regarding the modification of the CIM;
  • Additional documents at CIM;
  • Decisions to terminate the CIM;
  • Preparation of administrative salary forms;
  • Registration of all fiscal declarations regarding taxes and social contributions;
  • Supporting clients during the controls of the territorial labor inspectorates and the controls of the fiscal authorities.
  • Preparation and transmission of statistical reports upon request;
  • Preparation of job descriptions and internal regulations on request.
  • Relationship management with the Territorial Labor Inspectorate (ITM) upon request:
  • Filing a tax return;
  • Registration of individual ITM / online employment contract;
  • Online deed registration;
  • Registration of the decision to terminate the individual employment contract online;
  • Checking and archiving any documents, applications, copies of medical certificates, etc .;
  • Issuance, upon request, of certificates for the employees of the client company, in compliance with the legal provisions in force:
  • Certificate of additional deductions;
  • Gross / net salary certificate;
  • Certificate coming for the last n months;
  • General type certificate for the employee;
  • Certificate for doctor / hospital;
  • Monthly reports;
  • Necessary information to client companies;
  • Transmission of information necessary for completing bank certificates, etc.